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October 16, 2004

Spinger has sprung...

Had a great meeting with folks from Springer... a big german publisher. Lots of other folks there I should mention, but I've not got the list here. It was great and it looks like there are interesting opportunities in the offing. But now, sleep.

And the list (now that I'm home and have slept) is: Roy Pea (Stanford), David Berliner (Arizona State), Heinz Mandl (Munich), Maxine Greene (Columbia), Kattie Embree (Columbia), Erik De Corte (Leuven), Joel Weiss (Toronto), Jason Nolan (Toronto), and Jeremy Hunsinger (Virginia Tech)... plus the folks from Springer...

The meeting went better than expected, and we're negotiating two projects now, not one. And now is the time for a flurry of faxes and emails.

Posted by jason at October 16, 2004 10:39 PM


you're already asleep?


Posted by: stef at October 17, 2004 09:24 AM